Feb 05, 2010 14:24
“Narrow Trees” by Joseph Kibler
If I be a sparrow in my dreams, then set me free,
I’ll sail amongst the wide and narrow trees,
Over and beyond the electric, violent, night city sky,
For fear if I don’t, I’ll burn and be consumed, into all their frenzied eyes,
Ravishing teeth and looks to kill,
Be all yours forever, forever and never still,
Toxic, twisting, bitterness inside me,
Lie to me, or leave me be won’t you please?
So I can live to see beyond the narrow trees,
I won’t be a murder, leave that for the crows,
I’ll be a host, a host to overthrow,
Those that gather, gather to form a scheme,
Because gossip is an unkind look,
Worn and splattered on those painted faces I see,
If I’m witness to a painful reality, then here I’ll be,
Tucked away beneath the wide and narrow trees,
Why are there friends that suffer, while other friend’s greed?
Off the pain and anguish, vultures ready to feed,
If I don’t do something, than what makes me better than those I see?
I plead, for talk show like woes to be buried like seeds,
Though seeds must grow, into vines they’ll twist,
Around the wide, and narrow trees,
Beneath, I sit,
I won’t be a murder, leave that for the crows,
I’ll be a host, a host to overthrow,
Those that gather, gather to form a scheme,
Because gossip is an unkind look,
Worn and splattered on those painted faces I see,
We’re sprouting lines just to get us by,
Coming up with crimes just to pass the time,
And though I try, to just negate the past,
It never lasts, we are moving fast,
And I’m after, a world,
Beyond the overcast,
And the city lights,
Beyond the cold dead night,
And a friendly fight,
I’d be a bird, if only in dreams,
In full flight, so you can come follow me,
Just close your eyes,
Beneath the wide and narrow trees tonight.