Jun 21, 2006 21:55
Ok about five min is about all I have for free time now adays. so here is the five min dance around joes life as of today. Mistro.... Work is going great its been a little crazy the past couple of weeks getting ready for our semi anual sale but things and the crazy old ladies have calmed down much since two weeks ago. School is going ok I kinda sometimes feel like a phycotic hores runing twords a burning building some times but I am getting used to that feeling. Pluse I do not feel like the dumbest kid is any of the classes since there is surly two maybe three others that have that title cluched in there hands. on the home front everything is ok the grandrents are going to be coming down of the first of july and there for the second time going to think about moving down to texas so we shall see how that goes other then that I have been trying to keep my cool and stay some what sane. So there is the five min update i will update again shortly unless there is a huricane that comes to town over night. oh speaking of flooding no it did not flood over here we did get a lot of rain but. It only flooded in the really shity parts of houston that you only drive through with the windos up and the doors locked. and as micky said if they cared at all about cleaning up that side of town they should of throughn in some Ajax when it was raining. I know i know bad joke but what do you expect when all i have time to do now is school and work. as a wise man once said all work and no play make joe a angry boy. ttyl