Jan 02, 2004 20:59
Hi Jake,
Lets start with a nice Hello. We might be gullable, but why would you even bother to start stupid rumors about yourself if you didnt want it to get around? That is pretty adult like. Gossiping is just what you do as well as the rest of fucking humanity...your as bad as anyone else so get off your high horse. You dont need a dorm to live in Buff. they do have apartments and houses you could live in, but your still a child and dont have enough responibility to live in one. Yea I do remember in those grades when we all talked like that, every fucking kid does that when they are that age. The differance is when you grow up and such you realize that it happens. I was not sure what I wanted to do with my life after HS, so why would I waste all the money to a big school when I dont know what I wanna do? I stayed here to take my time and enjoy my life, not run away from where I grew up and everyone there just to talk shit once I was out. You tell us to grow up, yet your still the one who starts it all and even better your the one who is replying to these comments....Adults dont waste their time on this "Childish" shit. Get real jobs? You cant fucking talk when you dont have a god damn job.....We dont get everything we want fed to us from our mommies and daddies, we dont have it all handed to us like you, we have to pay for what we want, hence we have jobs, whether it be at Kmart, or shoveling snow. Three jobs? you gonna get personal? that is very adult like I do say....once again, i dont get it all handed to me, I didnt have my parents buy me a car, or pay for my school, I work for what I want....thank you. As for Dan hitting on your ex? You love to start that shit. I remember when I was dating Heather Shaw and you were constatly telling me how "Dan is macking on her, I saw him he touched her or did this or that...." you love the fucking drama. Once again with the personal shit and tucking? How long ago was that? If you are such an ADULT, you wouldnt live in four years past.....sad that you cant ever come up with new comebacks....You constantly use things that dies out years ago....your one of maybe five people that still talking about tucking.....very adult like I do say. You are no more of an adult than any of the rest of us. and I am not saying I am adult either, so you cant go saying I am because I am not. Maybe you should just go back to Buffalo, get a "Real" job and live in a fucking house or apartment and not come back....I doubt anyone worth anything would miss you.