Scoop is reporting that beseigned cabinet minister John Tamahere has resigned from cabinet. I am not surprised about the timing - the humongous focus on the American election means that it will be an opportune day
to bury unfavourable political news. Of course this rule must
remain unspoken. On September 11 2001 a white house staffer sent
around an email suggesting 9-11 was a good day to bury bad news,
and was sacked after a public outcry.
Governments controlled by spin merchants are not always this cynical,
but nethertheless, today is a good day to keep an eye out for
parliamentary and other reports the government would prefer not to
release at all.
Clark has been distancing herself from Tamihere ever since she got back
from India. Her comments to the media that she had spoken to
Tamihere earlier in the year about speculation over tax related issues,
strongly suggested he was already toast. Clark can say she asked
Tamihere about any potential issues and he denied there was a problem,
so she can claim to be off the hook.
I must say as a lefty I am not too sorry to see Tamihere go. He
is a known member of the Backbone Club alongside Clayton Cosgrove, David Benson-Pope*, George Hawkins
and Dover Samuels - the Labour right wing faction that once included
Roger Douglas, Richard Prebble, David Lange and Michael Bassett among
its members. Kind of an ironic name really - I didn't think worms
and snakes had backbones.
One of Tamihere's first actions as Youth Affairs Minister was to
dismiss a report commissioned by Laila Harre advocating the removal of
Section 59 of the Crimes Act (the so called defence to allow smacking
of kids). He also has advocated the privatisation of welfare - so
I think there is a case that, if he did not hold a Maori seat, he would
be in a different party.
That said, Tamihere always struck me as a friendly, affable sort of
guy. When I worked in Parliament as a researcher he was one of
the few MPs that would say 'Ki ora' to me as I walked past, even though
we had never been introduced. Many MPs would not even acknowledge
the existence of us 'worker bees' in the Beehive, Bowen House and
Parliament house.
With Tamihere gone from cabinet, it is now more likely that George Hawkins will be
reshuffed out of cabinet in Clark's Xmas reshuffle. Apparently
his fellow members of the backbone club kicked up a stink when rumors
started to speculate that Clark was about to drop him. I wish she
would - he always reminded me of Mr Creasote from Monty Python's
'Meaning of Life'. I am sure if he ever 'blew up' it would be
equally as disgusting.
*The Labour cabinet minister who told Zaoui to 'Get on a Plane'