Make your vote COUNT!

Oct 19, 2016 15:18

As we all suffer together through this particularly painful election season, one of the few things that we can all agree upon is the fact that this has got to be one of the most contentious and particularly ugly Presidential campaigns that any of us can remember.  (It’s all HIS fault!  It’s all HER fault!  It’s all THEIR fault!  Etc.)

As soon as I reached voting age, I proudly registered as a Democrat.  Why?  Well, simple really.  I do believe in the American society creating social programs and helping our fellow citizens - something that was (and still is) very important to the core belief system of the party.  Republicans, on the other hand, tend to favor less government and more personal liberty and freedom.  Now… because I am a Democrat, do I believe that Republicans are all wrong, evil, and blind?

No.  I do not.

Personally, I do not really believe in the concept of “party lines”.  If someone comes up with an idea for an improvement (or what I consider to be an improvement), I don’t really care if the person is blue or red.  I have no interest in whether her or his totem happens to be a donkey or an elephant.  I’m more interested in seeing progress and above all Doing the Right Thing.  Are all Democrats good?  No.  Are all Republicans bad?  No.  It just doesn’t work that way.  Heck, I would be fine if we did away with parties altogether, as long as we get the opportunity to support the people that we believe have the best intent and ability to make positive change!

But to really call specific attention to where I think the attention needs to be called, I would like to introduce a new descriptor - “RepubliCANT”.

A republicant is one of those politicians who, in her or his capacity as a politician, works solely to obstruct the other party.  These are the people who have resulted in the Republican party (one referred to as the Grand Ol’ Party, as opposed to the sad laughing stock that it is today), turning into nothing more than the “Party of No.”  For years now, we had a black Democrat in the highest office in the nation.  And that didn’t seem to sit well with several of the Grand Ol’ Boys.  So rather than working together, or seeking compromise, or being productive whatsoever, they instead seem to have adopted a political version of a Meghan Trainor song:

My vote is… NO!
    My view is… NO!
    My speech is…NO!
    I’m gonna sink so low.
    I’m gonna sink so low.

Feel insulted?  Sorry, but it’s true.  The Republican party over the past eight years has worked to be an obstructionist force.  And that isn’t good for anyone - including members of their own party.  Regardless of your party or your religion or your beliefs, I want to ask you all to do one key thing before you cast your votes.  What have your political representatives accomplished?  Have they passed bills?  Written bills?  Gotten out with the people and worked on improving things?  Or have they just been staunch supporters of, “No”?

Vote OUT the Republicants!  Whether they be Red, Blue, Purple, or paisley - this crap has got to stop!
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