Jul 23, 2005 11:53
Well, I lost internet for like 4 days, so I'm here now getting a fix. You don't realize the potential for insanity that lack of connectedness can cause. It's like, friggin' dangerous, I wanted to kill something, I got stuck playing minesweeper for like, 7 hours.
My laptop is going to be very late... which makes me very sad, I got one more week to wait, then I'll have my laptop, (I think I'm gonna name it Eris, after the Greek Goddess of Chaos :) )
I did have a terribly cool Idea though, I'm gonna wire my nonexsistent car (which eventually I'll get) into my Laptop, and build an interface that will allow for:
1) Voice controlled Music, that is, I click a (Physical) button on the steering wheel or whatnot which will pause the music (to avoid backround noise which would hinder the usefullness of my program. Then say "Skip to track 12" or "Search for "System of a Down, Old School Hollywood" or "Set Volume 95" or whatever, and it would interact with Winamp and change what I want it to.
2) Audible-Warnings, that is, I load a diagnostic program, and plug my laptop into my car (software allready exsists for this) and then edit the software to give me audible warnings when my gas is low, or I'm going to fast, Possible even put in a Police Radar Detector and Have it audibly warn me there, too.
3) Shout-outs, this is my favorite part, Externally mounted, Weather-proof Speakers, that will allow me to talk outside. Also, I could hook them into my alarm system, and have it say stuff to people if they try to take my car... :)
4) Big Memory, 3 or 4 External Half-Ter (500 gig -- Half Terabyte...) drives mounted in the back, somewhere. That will store my music and stuff.
5) Big Antenna, For WAR (Wifi Area Recon) Driving efficiency, essentially will make it easier to-- err... borrow peoples WiFi, if I need it
6) GPS, Almost a given, hopefully I'll get an Audible directions version.
7) Powah! Couple of extra car-batterys in the back, powered in 3 ways,
a) Solar power, Couple of Solar panels on the hood will charge these bad boys anytime the suns out.
b) Wind power, Cruisin' down the Highway at 60 Mph will help generate powah, also good for when it's cloudy out.
c) Backup power generator hooked into the axels of the car itself, Similar to how Electric/Hybrid cars work.
8) Projection, I'd like to get a Projector, and then store Movies on those half-ter drives, even if I didn't store them on the half-ter, the computer itself still has a DVD-RW drive. So either way.
Unfortunately, Projectors are muy-espensivo. So, this is a far shot for now. Would seriously be kick-ass though.
I'll probably think of other stuff as time goes on, I might sell this software though, assuming I build all of it. Could be good. ayup.
Anyway, Virii, for those who do not know, are Viruses. I like Virii, I like them alot, so much so, that I've built a few, including what I call my "Lots Of Chaos, Kids." (LOCK) Virus. Essentially, it works like this. The Virus itself gets planted on some computer. It is Polymorphic, the best way to think of that is like a Missle, a missle has to parts, the Carrier and the Payload, The Carrier is benign, it won't naturally do much damage, and can actually be used for good, it's the payload you're worried about. A Polymorphic Virus works by sending the "Header" (Carrier) to the computer, the header contains a Decryption algorithm and some instructions. So that, when I send the appropriate signal, the Header will decrypt a executable (the "Footer" or "Payload") and run it. The Payload then goes and encrypts everyone's Hard Drives, or -- more correctly-- specific parts of everyones hard drives, and will-- in doing so, cripple and lockout there computers. After this, if continues to encrypt the WHOLE harddrive, thus resulting in a Complete lockout of the system. The reason for doing all of this is two-fold.
A) To test to see whether the government is capable of cracking RSA-Level and Other NP-type codes, that is, whether the NSA-Commie buggers have a effective Quantum Computer.
B) To show the world just how easy it is for someone to Absoulutely Cripple the World's Connectedness, that is, to show people that they are living in a dream-world of false security.
C) To basicly cause Chaos and Havok for the sake of Anarchy.
D) Because I can.
However, do not fear, I won't keep you all in the dark, the Worlds computer systems will be down for only one or two days. After I feel enough Chaos has ensued, and That humanity has learned their lesson, I will activate the final part of the Payload, that is, I'll tell it to decrypt everyone's harddrives, and Leave them with a nice little message. It'll be something like this.
Wake up, Idiot.
Listen, Pal, I'm not even twenty yet, and just encrypted every hard drive on the planet that was connected to the internet.
Would you like to know why? Or How? Simple, because someone had to show the Morons of the planet that ISP's have no
capablity for security, You are protected by us, the AntiHackers, We live thankless lives ridding the world of Hackers, Crackers,
and Virologists -- the same people you group us with -- and generally protecting you're ass from some serious destruction.
Well, I'm tired of Protecting you're fat ass.
I'm tired of hunting around and back-hacking Morons who think there cool because they can cheat and steal with no consequences.
I'm an Antihacker, An Internet Vigilante, The Government does nothing to help me, they probably don't even realize we exsist, but as much as (I at least)
hate them, I protect them anyway.
I'm tired of being called a "Hacker-Geek" and "Delinquent" simply because I'm smart enough to enter into another computer without anyone knowing,
fix what needs to be fixed, and leave.
I'm tired of being a modern day Robin hood. Sans the Merry men.
Antihackers work alone, I work alone,
Antihackers work hard, I work hard,
Antihackers work for you, You shun us,
Antihackers protect you, You jail us,
I for one am tired of it. This is how easy it is to knock down the Babel-tower that is the internet,
It took me only a few months, most of the time was waiting for it to seed,
The code is small, so small, noone noticed,
The code is hidden, so no scanners could find it,
The code is powerful, so it took over the world.
Now you see, I no longer work for you, I work for me now. I protect my own network, my own computer, my own personal files.
You protect your own ass.
~~ 4694, The Hacker who pwned your sorry network.
Or something to that effect, note, I wouldn't sign it 4694, as that would give them a connection, in fact, the message itself won't even really look like that, but anyway.
"So what are we going to do t'nite, Brain?"
"The same thing we do every night, Pinky,
Try to take over the world."