Don't Mess With the Dragon

Apr 24, 2007 14:20

As of late I've been crazy go nuts with piss in your pants busy. Working 5 days a week and class two. Sure it's just one but I'm just busy all the time. Zero days off doesn't make a normal Joe. I've felt bored with myself lately, like I'm not as entertaining. It sucks. I did take some people (buff, Matt, and Em, and of course Steph) to a kick ass concert in Baltimore last week. That was awesome. But I don't know, I've just felt down lately. Like I'm not excited about things like I used to be. I'm planning a big party which is really cool. The island party this year is gonna be "in" Cancun. For some Cinco De Mayo awesomeness. So that's cool. And stuff with Steph has been great lately, just 'celebrated' our 3 year anniversary. It was in the middle of a 4 day 40 hour work spread so we didn't really do anything, I had plans for last weekend but they fell through. So maybe this one instead. Another possible reason, as nerdy as this maybe, is that I haven't gotten to role play this semester, I had big plans to run a Cthulhu game, 3 shot, horror awesomeness. And I a light 1 or 2 shot D&D adventure. And people are, understandably busy. I wish it was them just being annoying but instead it's legitimate reasons so I can't really be pissed. Oh well. Maybe D&D sometime soon cause that's really easy to do, even backgroundy easy. But Cthulhu has to be full on, totally absorbed with a set mood, no interruptions etc. Oh man am I a loser. I just wish we had a free night sometime, where people actually wanted to do something. Maybe this weekend, an OC trip, mini-golf, dinner, etc. I feel uncreative. My main creative outlets have become planning trips, evenings, entertaining, and I haven't gotten to do anything cool like that lately. Well I did do the Shorebirds thing recently that's super cool. Okay I gotta stop this, I can go on for days. I'm sure I'll be cool again soon.
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