OnE mAd WeEkEnD iN cArDiFf ToWn

Apr 18, 2005 17:33

OOh, long time no update

Well, before i start writing about what ive been up to, which to be honest aint going to take long id jus like to say thanks. hehe
For over a month now i prob seemd different or miserable, like you can't talk to me etc. well thats all stopped. I don't know what caused me to be like that but breakin up with cherrie caused my self confidence to go and i hated myself to the point where i wasn't sleeping at night. Long with thi i felt that i couldn't trust anyone at all. This must only be part of the reason, but i know i never wanted to go out anywhere or do anything. I jus wasnt me!

Anyway, i feel like all of that has ended and im back to the "normal"(ur allowed to laugh at this point) me. Don't know how ive done it, but i jus knew i had to spend time to myself and do what i wanted to do to get myself back on track.

Enough of that!

Back to normality...well, the wekend gone inc cardiff
Il start at fri night. I knew i had to spend fri afternoon by myself for a bit. but fri night, as is now becoming a regular thing, me nd clarky went into whitley. was a great night where we both got very drunk lol with saz nd kaylie joining us at rare occasions. we had to run between bars to prevent gettin soaked through. after playin footy with some lasses with a bottletop in time and me chippin me tooth, how i don't know we went to idols, where i ended up pole dancin round a steel bar to the siscor sisters and fallin over drunk whilst clarky was pissin himslef laughin in between arguments with god knows who. Afte that we went to deep, problem was we kinda ran out of money payin to get in. we managed one round plus gabi's phone number for me lol before we headed to the danceloor, me via a fence and an angry bouncer. Got home about 2.30.

Saturday, woke at about 8, thyink i was still drunk off the night before but a shower sorted that out and headed to cardiff with me dad nd bro. Had a bad back nd legs of the pole dancin lol so made car journey rather uncomfy. Anyway, got to bristol, where we were emant to be styin if it hadnt of been for me bro forgettin to book us into the hotel for the correct night. We found a quiet little place to stay, or so we thought. we went into cardiff for somthin to eat, underestimating how long it would take and had a look around and a steak (mine covered in garlic hehe) before returning. Me nd me dad after that went to this quiet little pub in the nearest village. Well, it was full of gerodies who ad been drinkin all dya wasnt it, nd they were stayin in the same hotel. If u can't beat em, join em. So i ended up dancin with no top on, whilst standin on a table and talkin to some lass from benwell who's name i never got. Once the landlord had managed to throw us out we headed back to the hotel using the traditional technique of doing the conga through a farmers feild and rolling down a hill. I went back to my hotle room whilst most of the others went into the service station to get some food. late in the morning, i hard them all come back in again so went for a look for that lass, not realising i was wearin jus boxers, i locked myself out of me room and had to go to reception to get back in.

Sunday, woke up early again and headed into cardiff. parked up and the car started throwing water out of the engine, not good. we left that and went for breakfast with everyother inhabitant of cardiff, who all seemed to be wearing balck n white lol. The city was mad, full of geordies who were playin footy and drinkin in the street, crowdin round outside the stadium and randomly jumpin up and down and cheerin. Wel not talk about the match, had good seats tho and lost me voice. Had to go nd buy some buckets from the hospital in order to fix the car and drive back really slowly. Got home about 2 in the morning eventually and went straight to bed.

Tody, in respect has been kinda mild. Prob best. lol
Update later
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