Aug 14, 2008 19:33
I hate it when book out times are so variable. I mean like, sometimes I get early bookouts, but I generally don't know that I'd book out early until like 0.5 hrs before bookout time, and it doesn't help that my encik usually gives >0.5 hr ROs. Thus, my weekday night plans are always destroyed by these bookout time problems =( (and it's like super duper irritating when you plan some get-together thing, then you realise that you're not going to make it to the venue before 10pm, when everyone starts going home. sigh)
Actually as I was chatting with someone (whom I can't remember! oops!), someone pointed out that one thing that is good about army life/working life is that our weekends are really ours. I mean, there's no homework! Unless you're down for guard duty or you're activated and called back to camp, your weekend really becomes yours. =D