Title: A Series Of Unfortunate Misunderstandings
joec_mnSeries: STXI
Rating: PG-13
Length: 771 words (Why did it become so super short?)
Warnings: Swearing, naughty language. Implied sex and misunderstandings.
Summary: The (supposed) epic romance of Spock and Jim. How it began and why
people think they're 'doing it'. Preslash. Misunderstandings galore and
pathetic attempts at humour.
Previous Chapter A/N I apologize for taking so long to update, I was hit by a dry-spell and my motivation emigrated towards a warmer climate, and real life caught up with me. I am really sorry, and I will try to get my act together in the future, but I cannot give any definite promises.
I would also like to say that I am in need of a Beta who would be kind enough to help me with my stories. I would like one who is proficient at helping me with the whole grammar and structure-bits, as well as the overall feel of the story. As I am currently writing a contribution to the Star Trek big Bang, I am also searching for a beta for that story. If you are interested, please PM me, and I will send you short description of the story so you can see if it is something you would be willing to help me with.
Thank you for all the reviews and critiques. It makes me smile every time I see another one in my inbox.
And lastly I would only like to say that this story was originally planned to have ten chapters, but thanks to one reviewer, it will now have at least eleven, probably twelve chapters. Thank you for the wonderful idea. And please feel free to suggest scenes if you can think of a fun misunderstanding. I can't promise it will be written, but I humbly accept all inspiration you send my way.
Thank you.
A Series Of Unfortunate Misunderstandings
Chapter Four
”Learning is good. Forgetting is better.”
Uhura yawned and stretched her tired arms above her head. She groaned as her shoulders made a low popping sound and slumped back into her seat with a content sigh.
Now she could finally wind down and let her muscles relax, especially as she had the next day off. Curling her legs underneath her she got comfortable in the lounge-chair and opened her book.
A couple of hours with the sole company of Darnakk, the Space Investigation Bureau's top Detective and his most recent case: Telling of the Tellarit:, A study in Blue, would do wonders for her frazzled nerves.
Just as she had gotten to the part where Darnakk saved an injured woman off of an escape pod, the tell-tale 'whoosh' of the door alerted her that she had unwanted company.
She scooted further down into the chair and decided to ignore whoever it was who had entered the room. With renewed determination she stared at the PADD in her hands and continued to read.
At least until a familiar voice bounced off of the bulkhead walls, making her pause momentarily.
“So, what you're saying is that your mom learned Vulcan through pillow-talk?” Uhura could sense the grin on his lips, accompanied by that impish look that made his eyes sparkle devilishly.
“I said no such thing.” Spock's distinct voice made her heart skip half a beat before she managed to calm herself. Falling out of love was not an easy task, and Uhura did not want to let all her hard work be for nothing. They had some good memories, and she would cherish them, but she knew there would never be anything else between them than friendship.
“I merely stated that my mother found that the study of the Vulcan language more giving once she and my father bonded. I see no basis for you conclusion.”
There was a disbelieving snort that made Uhura smile before Kirk spoke once more. “Oh, come on, Spock! Don't be so naive. I've learned a lot of things that way. Orion's for example, excellent pillow-talkers.”
There was slight pause before Spock spoke once more. “I was unaware of your ability to speak Orion, Captain.” Unless Uhura was mistaken, Spock's voice was a bit tense as he waited for Kirk's reply, and she could imagine how Spock, usually so calm and efficient, was standing just a bit too straight.
“Well, I wouldn't say I know Orion, but I know the basics, at least in bed. It's a nice way to study, you know.” The leering smile in Kirk's voice was palpable.
“You have an unconventional way of furthering your studies, Captain”
“Well, you know me, Spock. Unconventional is the only way for me.” Kirk laughed before a low thud sounded, and Uhura figured that Kirk had slapped Spock on the back, probably making the man raise his brow in return.
“I see.”
“Oh, do you?” Kirk grinned. “You know, I'd like to learn Vulcan. It's an interesting language.”
“Very well, I offer my assistance in the matter. How about we begin lessons this evening. Over chess?”
“Sounds great. See you later, then?”
“Affirmative.” There was a pause, and then a set of footsteps started moving towards the door. “Captain,” Spock said, making Kirk halt. Uhura figured he turned around to face Spock, waiting for him to continue. “I have a few... innovative ways of teaching, myself.”
“Really, mr Spock?” Kirk's voice was almost... giddy as he spoke. An eagerness finding its way into his voice. “Bring it on.”
Uhura could picture Spock making a barely noticeable nod in acknowledgment. “Very well, Captain, I shall teach you thoroughly.”
Uhura stared down at her PADD unseeingly a long time after both the men had left, the words melting together, and she felt a lot less interested in how the romance between Darnakk and Soleena would play out. After all, hearing your ex-boyfriend shamelessly flirting with his new boyfriend did make one feel slightly queasy.
Maybe a hot bath and drink would serve her better after all?
When she thought about it, perhaps Scotty had a nice bottle stowed away somewhere.
Or perhaps she would need something a little stronger. She had heard that Romulan Ale was good for forgetting, and boy, did she need to forget!
At least she hadn't walked in on them doing it... yet.
Screw forgetting. Had science ever contemplated brain bleach? If so, where could she get some?
I apologize that this chapter is so short and stupid, but it refused to cooperate with me, and that's why it's mostly dialogue-driven.
I kind of wanted to incorporate Kirk and Spock's side of the conversation, but it seemed like such a repetition of the last chapter.
In the next chapter the Jeffries Tubes are used for seemingly inappropriate acts, and Scotty is not amused by Jim's attempts to revive the Disco Era.
Next Chapter