Sep 25, 2006 17:10
why is it that i don't really get injured until the week before the competition?
so last wednesday i had a guy who's around 250 pounds land knee first into the side of my righ leg leaving me with a killer charlie horse for a good 3 days. then sunday, i'm finally starting to get better and i go up against this guy (who's kind of a jerk to begin with) and he throws me hella hard and i land square on my left knee. i wasn't wearing knee pads because the mat is pretty soft in judo but this fucking killed me. out of personal pride i just threw on my knee pads and finished the match with the guy, but i had to sit out the rest of pratice.
my knee is killing me, there's no visible bruise, and nothing feels broken. i can stand on it pretty well it's just when i touch the lower part of my knee, or flex/walk on it for a while it feels like there's a knife stabbing me. i've been icing it and trying to give it rest but work it some. hopefully it will be better by wednesday so i can go to pratice.
i will make it to this competition.