Aug 07, 2006 14:16
so OTAKON WAS AMAZING!!! first off let me post the loot from this year
1) Prinny plushie!
2) Jump super stars for DS
3) V for vendetta V mask
4) a replica of the death note
5)The complete Azumanga dioah
6) 4 chan button!!
7) The ozzinator
i think thats all i can remember for now.
anyway the weekend was amazing and im gonna try and recap it now
thursday: esh got to my house around 10:30 and then we went and picked up joe lake. and borrowed the video camera from my sister. so then we went to target and joe and i both bought ozzinators and we headed on our way down to philly at about noon. there was many things to laugh about. includeing this guy we saw and the roy rogers we stoped at. and this little girl that was jealous of joes ice cream so joe wanted to punch her in the face. also HORRIBLE racist comments the whole ride. and that brought around the phrase "man this is the worst day ever"
well anyway we get lost in philly but with some doing we manage to get to joey g's place. there was also great lines like
esh: joe did you just wave at that guy?
lake: no i descreatly locked the door.
also i just want to say joe has the worst direcctions ever.
joey g: "ok you sould see alot of black people" <- didnt help at all
after that getting out of philly wasnt hard at all. and on the highway joey g started talking about how black he is. and how he loves watermellon and grape kool-aid. and that pretty much went on the whole weekend.
the trip was pretty smooth sailing from that point on. there was alot of talk about screams johnson. and i fell we really expanded on the world. including the league of extrodinary black gentleman. it was really funny and we all had a good time.
we get into the hotel around 5:30 and we eat cookies they had for everyone. and it was yummy. we got all our crap in and then went out to pick up our otakon stuff. the line was long but not bad. it moved alot and we where at the front in under 45 mins. there where guys infront of us that where fourty and balding so joey g decided they where joe lakes best friends. and that started more great jokes for the weekend.
after that we went swiming at the hotel and then went and dicked around and watched tv and ate chinese food. then joey g and lake fell asleep and esh and i stayed up and watched v for vendetta on her computer.
then esh fell asleep and i stayed up. pete finally got there with diana around 3 a.m. so i went down and let them in. then everyone woke up again. and because joe and lake couldnt stop laughing all night we where all up being antsy untill about 5.
friday: friday was good times. pete diana and lake all had to wait in line for their tickets so they all left before me joe and esh. we went over to burger king and got breakfast at 8 and then walked over to the con. it was good times. joe found a girl he knows and we went with them to see bottle faries. and that was so cute it almost hurt. we also saw some of otako no video. after all that we went and watched some of the amv overflow. and that was about when pete diana and lake met up with us around noon. after the amvs we didnt do to much. we met up with katy. and that was awsome. we look pictures. of stuff. and then after awile we decided to go to the dealers room. we accidently cut lines. because we where just walking through the hall. and someone thought we where part of the line and ushered us into it. about half way through it.
anyway i think after that we went to hooters and ate. and that was fun. after that joe, lake, pete and diana all left and went back to the apartment. so esh and i went and watched some of densha otoko. and i liked it. i want to see more. then the amvs started but we didnt get to go because the line was HUUUGE.
but thats ok i went to part of the gaia panal and then went with esh and wa watched full moon wo sagashite. and that was cute. then after dinner and more dealers room we went to the yuri panel and that was a good time.
saterday: saterday we got there around 10 and esh and i got breakfast while joey g went to the dealers room, i dont know what esh and i did untill 12 but at 12 we saw the amv contest and it was awsome this year. after that we went to the game room. and then we all went to the dealers room. at around 5:30 esh and i left to go to what we thought was the hellsing ultimate premiere up in the ballroom it was sapossed to start at 6. but first we went to burger king. we where eating when we over heard that hellsing swaped times with THE PREMIERE OF THE FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST MOVIE! esh and i finished eating and go up there around 6:15. we where the last two alloud into the movie and they where running late we hadnt missed anything. we has to sit on the floor but the movie was SO GOOD. then right after it the hellsing episode played. and it was sweet as well! while i was in hellsing i got a call from joey g saying pete and diana left for the hotel. and that lake and joe where going to the rave. esh and i decided to go to fan parodies untill i left for the 4chan panal at 11. ok so we are walking down and i notice a line at the panal for 4 chan. and o go oh shit i better get in it. so i got in line TWO HOURS EARLY For 4chan. and esh headed to the parodies.
the line was awsome. i recorded alot of it and i met some sweet people including someone from nocturne. how strange is that? anyway good thing i got there 2 hours early because about an hour after i did they closed the line. esh came and let me borrow her ds and that was fun. and then the panel started! IT WAS AMAZING THEY HAD A GIANT CRUSIFIED RAPTOR JESUS AND THEN HAD A SERMON OF THE CHURCH OF RAPTOR JESUS IT WAS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO AWSOME. words can not explain how great this panal was.
after that i met up with esh and we talked to some guy. and then we met up with joe and joey g and headed for the hotel for the night. more antics that night but not as bad as thursday night.
sunday: this was pretty simple really. we all checked out then we went to the con and went to the dealers room on last time. i got my DS game then esh and i went to lunch and fan parodies. after that we left. we made it out of baltimore. but got a little lost in philly again. but nothing to bad. we then went to easton and dropped lake off. and then we met up with sara and brad and we gave them their presents and we played some DnD. good times. then esh and i where half dead and we went to our homes....
and there you have it. pictures and maybe video up later!