Apr 07, 2003 02:06
Today I asked God, or whoever wields the power
to give life and take it away willingly, to give me mercy.
For a moment today I thought my life would end, after a
long sensation that felt like tremors up and down my body.
I looked in the mirror to see a face that I'm utterly disgusted with.
I stared on at a red faced "man" who I never thought I'd become
20 Years old and still living at home... Jesus Christ... If only I had
My shit together better, or Joined HOSA while in High School.
I hoped that my world would fade today but instead either I was given
one of those epiphanies that I've heard so much about or maybe
it was a starbucks double shot on top of an Arizona Ice Tea...
Whatever it was I was worried for a bit, and when the feeling passed...
I felt as though whatever life I may have for myself.... might have meant something...
but who am I to judge?... all I know is that I don't like who I am and I wish I could change