... the weather in Southern CA has been boisterous the past several days; no snow as
dewittar and
ptownnyc have reported from their respective locations, but lots of rain interspersed with clearing and sun.
Yesterday I used the (for here) rare appearance of cumulonimbus clouds and afternoon sun together for a few photos.
The light was well-suited to black-&-white so I did a couple more.
I want to thank
beeftenderloin for encouraging me to take some chances with the black & white work.
The sea was choppy, with swells that didn't come into shore so there were no surfers out. The lifeguards were prepared, though ...
... and after a storm the sky here is the most searing blue one can imagine.
Another thing the chilly, wet weather does: Kick up the arthritis in my wrists and arms. I managed to dodge the bad eye and dentition genes in my parents' families but not that one. It's another thing to manage as one gets older, I guess.
On with the day. I hope yours is going well!