Allan & Guy Songvid
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Allan or Guy. I just borrowed/played with them for while;)
Song Title:Good Enough
Artist: Evanescence
Vidder: Joes_Lashes
Pairing: Allan/Guy
Category: Slashy M/M.
Spoilers/Warnings: Only contains clips from Robin Hood Series 2.
*Please do not watch if you are avoiding spoilers*
This is the story, (my interpretation of the song) as how I see Allan, wanting to feel Good Enough. He is changeable,never knowing what he really wants,but he can't stay away. Each time he attempts to leave Guy,he lures him straight back again,but as time goes on the tables are turned and It's Guy who actually wonders if he is good enough and self questions why he is never able to hold on to anything good in his life.
Hopefully it will speak for itself, but that's a brief outline.
Hope you like.
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