Mar 31, 2006 20:02
I am going to set the record for most consecutive posts because of the boredom that it Spring Break.
So the most exciting news of Spring Break is that I GREW HALF OF AN INCH. I’m very proud. Only 6 ½ more to go!!!
But anyway, yesterday Dorothy and I visited U of I. I was pretty set on not going there because I know so many people who do, but now I don't really know. The entire time I was there I only saw 4 people I recognized and out of those, only one I actually knew.
I had never been there before, so let’s see…I thought it was pretty nice. It’s big, but it kind of reminded me of my camp. If you replaced all the different buildings with a unit at my camp…sort of. I really liked the fact that there are underground tunnels. U of I has figured it out, now I’m just waiting for H-F. I did not like the dorm room we went into though. It made me very claustrophobic. My tour guide, “There are two beds. They start out bunked but you can one taken down if you want to.” I believe her and all, but I think that you would have to put it in the hall, because there was not enough room for another bed in that room. No, wait the hall was really small too. I’m sure they wouldn’t mind you put your bed in the lobby…
Ok, so more about the trip, it had many fun parts. Here’s a list:
1. Some of the most awkward parent comments/conversations ever. There was one I would really like to quote Dorothy's mom on, but for my own sake, I will not.
2. My mother and Dorothy's mother finding out that they agree on a lot of stuff and ganging up on me and Dorothy. Because apparently we dress like whores...
3. Telling lies to each other’s mother “Well its Dorothy’s fault I’m on drugs” “Lauren makes me stay up late at night”
4. Pictures of feet
There were no cows though…
Ok, enough. I’m going to sleep. SAT tomorrow.