It's been a while and wow... life has changed dramatically since last I posted here.
I'm married to a beautiful, kind, sweet and loving woman.
Thanks to this marriage I've become father to the most delightful little dude ever. His name is Logan and I'm honored to be his father.
We're living in a rented house and waiting to sell her condo so that we can begin the hunt for a home we can call ours.
My oldest, Jacob, turns 12 in a couple weeks. He's getting taller and his voice is getting that awkward creak.
Life is good!
As Lara was walking down the aisle Logan broke free from me to help Grandpa escort her. It was the big "awwwwwwww..." moment.
and a pic of the little guy in a rare moment of serenity:
If I were a block and someone knocked a chip off of me this is what it would look like.