Dec 07, 2004 22:57
this week has been an awesome week,we had the best presentation in ap us by far and my powerpoint was the funniest and most nicely laid out which made mr dearen want to use it as a bench make for next year. chelsea was funny as hell and had the whole class laughing their asses off, espcially me and she kept screaming at me when i got side tracked and didnt change the powerpoint slides. malcolm and cody came to c the end of my presentation and they tried sabatoging it by stealing the cupcakes for class and taking away parts of my costumes... malcolm stole my straw hat and wore it around and cody stole my poor person blanket and made it into a cape and was jumping over desks, touching ceilings, running around class and the hallways puffing out his chest to random girls saying he was black ghetto superman or somehting hahaha?
my teacher moved my bio seat to between my best buddies venessa liz and brad. i overheard some info in chem about brad last year being some sorta of playa and cheated on a couple of his gfs at parties and now im starting to end all his sentances by being like ok brad the playa and he gets so pissed since he doesnt want eveyrone knowing lol. i read his editorial on cloning to the class and he got pissed as hell as well, lol and i think my new seat enabling me to throw peices of paper at his head saying i was aiming for the trashcan. lol.. yea.. i dont think hes my friend anymore hahah and my bio teach brought in her turtle with a hot pink turtle shell lol and we all think she like spray painted it to make it pink lol but she keeps denying and wont tell us how.
today i was gonna go ot the basketball game but i decided not since motta wanted me to tutor him in chem. yea it was pretty cool though. i decided im probably gonna go to ucf or fsu w/ him. haha spekaing of colleges geoff was tlkaing ot this grl he likes in anatomy about fsu UF and stuff, and when she left we were jokin aorund how he should have been like im gonna og FU and shit like that haha, well thats it cya