I have a Tumblr now:
I am still getting the hang of it. Since the most experience I've had with Tumblr is the fuckyeah blogs I look up when I'm procrastinating, it is a little weird.
I've already followed a few people I've seen around on LJ, so please feel free to follow me. Or whatever. In my ideal tumblr world I would like to have snippets of fic and awesome late night conversation, but I don't quite know how to make that happen. I am as awkward as hell, oh well.
I've been reading a bit more Sherlock fic, and holy shit is this fandom daunting. It's so big, and there are so many great writers. I've also stumbled across a couple of fics, posts etc that have that borderline aggressiveness I remember from House fandom way back when: this is the proper way to write this character. This adaptation is the One True Way, etc etc.
There is a real lack of good, strong Irene, or any strong female characters, virtually all the Sherlock fic that I've read, I think because the show itself was so failtastic when it comes to its women. I'm sure there is good Irene!fic out there. It just hasn't come up on my radar yet.
I've been thinking a bit over the last few days about what I want out of fandom (I am always navelgazing like this when I have work due), having been kind of on-and-off for a while. I think I am going to post my thinky thoughts in a couple of days, but it comes down to this: instead of going crazy and posting one long fic every six months or so, I want to be more consistent, always have a fic I'm working on and a person I can rant to, yet not be crazy about it. Instead of having epic writing marathons and then nothing.
Fandom for me is a stress relief, a creative outlet, a place where I can meet people I know will have the same weird interests.
I feel like I throw fics up too quickly sometimes, because I'm impulsive and because I want to see what others think, but it's the process of the writing that I enjoy most. And sometimes I get ridiculously down on myself because story x is not long enough and omg, there's a typo, and I think it's good to have a place where you can realise, shit, all I'm doing is writing fic. That's good for you Writing every day is good for you, as well.
Also, I am writing more original stuff now (two stories in an anthology coming out soon), and writing fic is different. It's comforting. It's challenging but in a different way.
I think I just want to have a space that I can visit every day, a place where I can hopefully be a better writer, a place where I can be weird and thinky. Yet a place that I don't have to obsess about. Fandom is always moving, and all I want to do is throw my wanky little stories into the stream and see where they end up. I want to talk to other people in the way you talk to people in fandom, all earnest and excited and weird.
I'll see where the next few months takes me, but I think I'll be working out a few Sherlock fics, including one about Mrs. Hudson, because that woman does not get nearly enough love in this fandom.