Who's Who - W. H. Auden (Plus an update).

Oct 11, 2010 23:00

Who's Who

A shilling life will give you all the facts:
How Father beat him, how he ran away,
What were the struggles of his youth, what acts
Made him the greatest figure of his day:
Of how he fought fished hunted, worked all night,
Though giddy, climbed new mountains; named a sea:
Some of the last researchers even write
Love made him weep his pints like you and me.

With all his honours on, he sighed for one
Who, say astonished critics, lived at home;
Did little jobs about the house with skill
And nothing else; could whistle; would sit still
Or potter round the garden; answered some
Of his long marvellous letters but kept none.

W. H. Auden.

Auden wrote this after reviewing a biography of T. E. Lawrence.

Quite busy. Quite cheesed off at Livejournal. I wrote a long ranting post on the whole Facebook thing and forgot to post it, although I probably will do so soon.

I've started to get my dreamwidth account (
armchair_elvis) up and running, although I still need to fiddle with a few things. I know that protected entries are now blocked from being shared on Facebook... but the whole idea of it is just so WTF I don't feel like LJ is very stable any more. It's all amorphous and bloated with features, capricious. What's gonna happen next? Will I discover that some of my private entries have been marked public? Will a Facebook friend accidentally post my fanfic on their news feed and associate it with me? I don't want that. I don't want bells and whistles that ride roughshod over my weird online identity. I just want a nice little corner of the internet where I can post fic and rant in peace. I have a Facebook. There's a reason it hardly intersects with my LJ life at all.

So. Not liking LJ at the moment. Yet there are communities and journals here that I don't think will make the move across to DW, so part of me still wants to stick around.

I'm still here. How I can best keep up with communities and friends here without feeling like creepy Facebook comments are peeking over my metaphorical back fence, I don't know. I'm procrastinating about how completely I'll move to DW, but the Facebook comment thing is the straw that broke the camel's back as far as me trusting LJ will go. At the moment I'm considering leaving comments open on LJ, but only on public entries and fic. I think that's possible.


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