Cleanin' Out My Firefox

Aug 15, 2009 23:37

Just some random stuff I had sitting around. My Firefox actually crashed a few days ago, so this is what was recovered.

Amazing X-ray photographs by Nick Veasey

Eye candy for West Wing fans: A great Two Cathedrals picspam. Great pics, and also possibly the greatest 45 minutes of tv I've ever seen.

Cool pictures from a coffee house in India -- the Indian Coffee House in Delhi.

Where are the poor and/or working class gays in the media? Indeed. Very good, if old, article. Kind of obvious, though -- where are the non-gay working class people in the media? I don't know. It's a good read, anyway.

New HIV strain discovered
This is kind of freaky and also kind of interesting. As far as I know (and I should read up on this, since it's interesting, and I know very little), the leading hypothesis for the emergence of HIV/AIDS is that it crossed over from primate populations in Africa, probably when people ate bush meat. The idea of eating a chimpanzee, by the way, just completely grosses me out. Maybe if I was starving and living in Africa, it wouldn't. But still. Ugh.

The Very Elite Club That Never Meets
Early 2009 article about former presidents. Very cool.

Iran ready to build N-bomb. Not the kind with Olivia Newton-John, either. Shit, eh? I was reminded of this because I saw two books on nuclear weapons yesterday. So not cool.

I have this weird thing about lolpresidents. I'm always entertained by them. Anyway, there's a post choc-full of (mostly) current lolitics stuff here. I was entertained. I especially liked this one:

And this, and this.

I haven't heard from nomad1328 for a while, but there are pictures of Manhattan Project installations here that I think she, and others, would enjoy. Interesting, atmospheric.

EXCELLENT photos from the Lee Plaza Hotel in Detroit, at urban_decay.
I love photos of abandoned buildings, because I like the atmosphere and the old, interesting things, and the light. I also love pictures of stately old hotels, and even abandoned and dusty (or even because of that) this one retains a certain gravitas.

Things to Say During Sex

I watched Top Gear with my dad the other day, and although I haven't watched the show much if at all, we both enjoyed this. It's an exploding car-shuttle -- what's not to love?

A cringeworthy ad from 1959 -- a girl helps her mum spray Malathion. Nice.

Did you know that chocolate milk speeds recovery as fast as sports drinks? I want a chokkie Moove, now. No comment on what chocolate milk will do for a hangover. I'm gonna stand by Gatorade for that, I think.

Very interesting article about a health fair in Appalachia. Wow. Hollywood's 6 Favorite Offensive Stereotypes
So much YES for The Wise, Old, Asian Asshole and The Mighty Non-Whitey. Was that Lethal Weapon 2 or 3, the one with the annoying old Chinese restaurant owner who calls Riggs and Murtaugh pricks all the time?

1937 ad for Craven A cigarettes
I'm posting this, mostly, because my dad told me once that his grandmother smoked Craven A. He remembers her delicately picking pieces of loose tobacco off her bottom lip, so I assume they were unfiltered. My grandmother smoked Longreach. Cough cough.

Walter Cronkite died! Here he is remembering his Tet Offensive editorial.

Palin’s Resignation: The Edited Version
Remember this? Oh, it is gold. What a fricking horrible speech, though. Only the editing makes it interesting (I like looking at stuff like that).

in the news today, movies, the west wing, drinking

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