I'm trying to kill Wilson, and I'm not having much luck.
pwcorgigirl recommended
clinicaltrials.gov on
housefic_meta a little while ago. It's very informative -- I just haven't found the perfect disease yet.
I did discover that there is a condition called
favism. It's the hereditary absence of an enzyme that regulates red blood cells lifespans. Sufferers can get a sudden large-scale desruction of red blood cells, leading to haemolytic anaemia. The kicker: attacks happen when people eat FAVA BEANS. Like, broad beans. Whoa.
And I still love
this song.
And yesterday I was entertaining
nomad1328 with recordings of JFK I found on Youtube (I love procrastinating).
this, in which JFK dictates a recording for his memoirs concerning the assassination of Diem in South Vietnam. His kids come in about halfway through. And
this, which is very amusing. JFK blows his top, basically.
If you're interested it stuff like this (as I am, obviously), I highly recommend the
Presidential Recordings Program. A gold mine. The LBJ recordings include that hilarious/painful recording of him ordering pants over the phone.