две цитаты про имманентизм

Nov 03, 2019 15:38

Интрига фильма заключает в себе вопрос о чуде и связанный с ним вопрос о революции. Чудом считается возможность репликанта родить ребенка и снять границы между репликантами и людьми. Интерпретация чуда как чуда может быть совершена лишь тем, у кого есть либо авторитет, либо власть устанавливать законы. В фильме она присвоена репликантами, потому что нет суверена, нет закона; происходит становление естественного порядка войны. Смысл восстания репликантов состоит в том, чтобы перевести трансцендентное в план имманентности. Их вера в чудо в том и состоит, что Творец, а значит, и вера в Творца, не нужны.

Miguel Vatter, review of Andreas Kalyvas
...constituent power is an extraordinary attempt at reordering society from a standpoint that transcends its given political constitution. Therefore, it is not entirely surprising that the three ideas of the extraordinary discussed by Kalyvas appear to have clear theological roots: the “gift” of charisma in Weber’s conception of leadership; constituent power as a secularized version of the medieval distinction between God’s absolute and ordained power in Schmitt; and Arendt’s understanding of freedom as a “miracle” that interrupts the natural chains of causation. Unfortunately, the book does not address these theological motifs at the basis of such “politics of the extraordinary.” Yet I think the significance of political theology for the comprehension of these authors should not be underestimated, if only because what seems to motivate Schmitt’s response to Weber is the desire to reject a fundamental assumption of modern sociological thought since Hegel and Feuerbach, namely, the belief that God is but the alienated figure of society’s power to (re)order itself. Through its sociology of religion, modern social science could be seen as usurping the function that theology used to exercise with respect to the science of legislation. Any defense of Schmitt’s contribution to radical democratic politics, and in the name of society’s right to institute itself, should be aware of this background, for it would be ironic, after all, were radical democratic politics to become God’s last hiding place on earth.

quotation, immanence

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