Aug 27, 2008 10:45
I have to admit that I'm not a patient or tolerant man in a lot of respects. I mean there are a lot of things that piss me off, and a lot of things that I've had to come to deal with. this is the line in the sand people. I am NOT going to let this one go.
Ok, for starters this man has taken advantage of cancer being as sexy a disease as it is (media attention wise) and milked it for all it was worth. Not for any good reason mind you, he didn't have a cause to draw attention to, he didn't have a purpose or mission or quest handed down by his god, he did it because he likes porn.
Now, in and of itself, I have no problem with porn. If you want to watch two or more fully consenting adults go at it in front of a camera for money, you go right ahead. It's a multimillion dollar a year industry and we treat porn stars as serious actors these days so I think a lot of the social stigma associated with porn dissolved thanks to "People vs Larry Flint". I don't care if you're a priest, a lawyer or a homeless person, you should be allowed porn.
This view, while left and liberal by many accounts, is apparently not shared by the church. to the point where this, by all accounts, otherwise regular guy decided that the best course of action in hiding his "addiction" would be to fake a serious life threatening illness. Being that two of my immediate family have legitimately suffered from bowel cancer, I find this insulting, not to mention illogical as I'm failing to see the link between saying "I like to look at naked pictures" and "I have an illness that will kill me". Gotta say though, he certainly didn't go half assed about it. To the point where he faked vomiting, pulled clumps of his hair out and even forged letters from cancer experts explaining his illness.
Obviously this man is not well. But in the same way mental illness is no excuse for murder or rape, it's not an excuse for making light of a life threatening condition. He even wrote a song about it! I mean come on! I don't care if you're addicted to snorting battery acid, if you can write a song, you're close enough to in your right mind to see what you are doing is not only wrong, but stupid. I have no idea how this thing grew out of control, but it's still not an excuse.