Today is the ninth anniversary of my father's passing. To honor his memory, I've decided to move on with life as if there is nothing special about this day. Those were his values. These are my values.
He was not the type of person who would have liked me mourning him for years and years on end. He was a man of practical action. I believe I am one of the last members of his family who still stands with this mission. But one is enough. My job is to continue with his life mission of advancing noble causes in life using knowledge, resources, efforts, and bravery.
That is what initially helped me deal with the emotional pain of his loss. Don't dwell on the past but look to the future. We are in the middle of a pandemic crisis and we need to find a way to fight this. My father did not live to see this pandemic but he would have wanted his children to be active in some way in fighting this, either through health research, providing healthcare, or administration. He was not the type to "sit around and wait" for things to happen. He wanted to make things happen.
Having a purpose and mission makes life worth living. If we know why we are doing something, it makes life sweeter. I have found that I tend to process life not in terms of mere days, but also years. I evaluate myself year to year. I do not merely look to the end of the day, but also to the end of the year and also, if possible, the end of my very life.
Interestingly enough, this week also marks the 13th anniversary my filing of articles of organization for a firm (a limited liability company). In fact, I remember asking my father for advice regarding this firm. We discussed it only once or twice. This firm of mine has been a solo project for the better part of the thirteen years. I have established a website, bank accounts, tax papers, as well as legal papers for this firm. Hopefully speaking, if I get married and have children, I might give this firm to my own children.
Speaking of bequeathing gifts to children, a few days ago, my mother gave me a statement of an account from which my siblings and I are set to inherit. Luckily, I have never needed any money from my inheritance and maybe I'll just have it "skip" over me and bequeath it to my father's grandchildren (my own children).
The best thing I inherited from my father were his values. His values of hard work, learning, and being fearless. He raised me to "kick butt" in life. Do not let bad people influence you. Rather, influence them with good. Do not merely be a follower but a leader. Do not sit in the corner, but make yourself visible. Be gregarious and well-known. Many of these are useful in building up a business, which I need. We also need these to fight this pandemic.
Values build up knowledge. Knowledge builds wealth. Wealth builds power, position, and influence. From power, position, and influence, we have a much higher capacity to do good deeds. By doing more good deeds, we have a better and easier reckoning with our Creator in the Hereafter and an easier path to Paradise.