Yet again I dunno, this is probably some garbage, therefore I'd suggest you skip down to entries below this which won't be as offensive to your eyes.
Somehow, I was awake enough at 6am to decide to venture into the world of spoken word...or something...and I don't know why, I don't know for who (or maybe I do :-x), maybe it's no one, but maybe it's for you? So without further ado, I give to you...
I hesitate to call this poetry
Because here words are doomed to fail
For one cannot express this beauty truthfully through lyric devices, metaphor, and simile
And to that end, I end this A-B-A-B rhyming scale.
Because as much as you make me want to be extra I'm still just ordinary
An average guy who's mesmerized everytime he sees you passing by
My heart skips a beat
Suddenly I have dancing feet
And I feel like the coolest cat despite the oppressive summer heat
(yeah I know I'm a geek)
When I walk around swathed in sunlight, bathed in the vivacious greens of my Carolina summer scenes
I daydream...about how this beautiful place would seem perfect ot were only graced by your face
And perhaps...if I'm lucky...embellished by my arm around your waist
And the stars, they remind me of your eyes...The way they twinkle...The way you shine//Except when you're around night skies never come down//And the world only exists in a twilit shroud as all the celestial bodies clamor to shine on you RIGHT now//Because surely they must see you as I see you, and in so doing can only pray to God (simultaneously asking and thinking)with the one word on their lips, and that word is HOW??// How did you make one whose smile is so bright in the dark of this world so wild?// How did you make one so beautiful and strong, yet so mild?// How did you manage to put her in front of me?// And most importantly, how does she not know what she's done to me?