I wish I knew...

May 13, 2005 10:01

So I woke up this morning for some odd reason with nothing other than the following on my
mind. An argument , or a challenge, or a question, something...something that apparently
the Lord put on my heart to the point, where I woke up (and y'all know how I feel about
mornings) at 8:00 in the morning, tried to go back to sleep and instead rolled around with
this in my head for 54 minutes or so it would seem. And so undistilled I present to you the following...a question for Pro-Life voting Christians....To those who say that they vote pro-life b/c the Bible urges them to do it and God tells them it's the right thing to do, I simply just want to say, "why?", "where did you get this charge from God, and is he (your god) the same God that I grew up learning to serve?". To those people I say that a vote for pro-life is a vote for death. To them I say that a vote for pro-life is a vote to see that girl that came to college and strayed from her righteous path for a week stuck with a child as her punishment for straying (best case scenario), to see our foster care and orphanage systems (both of which are wildly corrupt)over-flooded with children that won't be cared for or treated as well as most puppies, or worse yet to see more of our girls in hospital beds and funeral sheets as the wounds of a cervix, uterus, or other vital internal organ punctured by a common metal coat hanger become common in those that would do whatever it took to not be mothers. It seems that we have forgotten that before there was a call for legalized abortion there were astronomical rates of women dying from botched DIY jobs and jobs from the local hack physician, and that after pro-life legislation goes through these same women will be ass-out no where to go but back to where they were, and yet we seem to be ok with condemning to that fate. To those that would say pro-life, I ask why...better yet, I ask how? How can we look at one who has done something we can consider deplorable, and instead of turning to them open arms and showing them love, compassion, grace, those things which are the only protections we have from our own sins, turn to them instead the bottom of our shoe grinding the already downtrodden further into the dirt and sitting and out holy high-horses saying,"look at you, you're nothing more than a common criminal". If an abortion is disgusting to you in the deepest way possible, if the knowledge that a baby was killed in utero by it's own mother hurts your heart, I ask you to imagine how it feels for that woman whose face you would rather grind into the ground? Is not the bond between mother and child the strongest bond known to man? Is not the soul of that woman already tormented enough without our self-righteous ridicule? Grace, Love, Judgment...two of these things Jesus Christ our saviour charged us with when he walked this Earth, one he warned us against:

36 Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful.

37 Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not
be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven:

--Luke 6:36-37

And yet the one he warned us against, we rush to do; we rush to judge those that are clearly already afflicted. Regardless of any other arguments for or against, should not the argument of grace and love for our fellow humans be chief amongst them all? Am I misdirected, or can we as Christians not help more people with the love of our hearts than we can with by rebuking them, and cutting them off from the love that they need? So yeah, interesting morning...and when I finally woke up, there were tears in my eyes and the song Total Praise in my heart...I can't tell you why, and I can't say I've been directed in some great way, or tell you that I am 100% right. I can however say that I believe this was put on my heart for some reason...and whatever it was, divine purpose, to work out some internal confusion, or too much quesadilla at Cosmic last night...there it is. Right here.
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