Sep 09, 2005 16:06
I left for Israel Sunday night, and landed Monday afternoon on ly 2 hrs late. The flight was pretty fun. I met a bunch of OD guys and had my first beer legally, it's not as exciting as you'd think. Monda we spent unpacking and getting to know everyone. There are two guys in my room both from LA they're pretty cool. Tuesday we had a bechina for placemnet then went to Har Hatzofim, Mt. Scopus, and then to the kote. We spent the rest of the day walking around the Old City as well as mea shearim where I got a yarmulke that says Ed Meyuchad.
Wednesday we started shiur. My morning shiur is too easy so hopefull I'll move up to Rabbi G's on Monday. Then we have a 2 hr lunch break. I spent Weds with Rube on Ben Yehuda and Tuesday night with him on Emek Refaim. Last nite we went to Ben Yehuda it was mad fun. This week was an out shabbos so I'm at the solomonts. It's so much fun over ehre.
If you don't have my number leave a comment and I'll email it to you.