Final day. Yes final day. And negative on spending much time on what I've had on mind. Final what you say? Final Ramadanian day of this year. Then again I had no other choice but to occupy myself on some things.
Something that I've come up with, is that whenever you come to the point of moving on past something you very much enjoy; you kinda have the feeling that you're gonna miss it. Me says, it's all the devils works, or what not... you should very much just anticipate the next repetition of such enjoyable events. Instead of wasting time being down, and all that bull', lmao take for instance the end of year over at school and so on.
To be clear, I actually don't know what to think of or even dislike these mini-philosophies I slap on LJ.
Enough of that.
Moving on... today after school, I was freakin' realived to have gotten out of the school premises. Another thing, I don't mean to offend but here goes; over at our school, my year/grade the acclaimed "Sixth form" should be re-introduced as the "Smelly form". I kid you not.
Elmohem, on the way home- not that I needed to be beyond the point of no return on assuring me that the roads of Kuwait are terrorizing by the very meaning- but WHOLEYCRAP. You know how you get cross-walk bridges over highways/roads? Well imagine walking on that and then suddenly a truck with its back compartment/bucket pointing upwards and friggin slams into the bridge, wtfunk? I didn't actually see how the slam happened, but I just passed by where all the police had things under "control". lmao no really.
Funny, how some weird (kooky in the head) people were actually using the half cracked, bent upwards bridge; it was in a state alright. Maybe they were playing "let's see who dies first and laugh".
Such an INSANE world.
Oh and FREAK did I wish I had my camera on me. But why would I... coming out of school. Bleh.
Anywho, so many words and... well so many words.