Tonight, I accomplished something great.

Apr 01, 2006 00:04

So they were giving out free tickets to Universal Studios: Islands of Adventure for tonight. I got a ticket.. so did Mallory.. and so did some of my tkd group (Chris, Chris, Ben, Allen, Krista).

I wasnt so sure I was going to go... because I've never been one for rides... and by that I mean that I've always been completely terrified of them. Had lunch with Mallory though, and she convinced me to go.

So I went... scared shitless because all they really have there are roller coasters.... and to be completely honest, I had NEVER been on a roller coaster. I have spent the past 18 years building up roller coasters to be one of the most frightening things.... But I said to myself "tonight, I'll go... and maybe I'll try one."..... not really believing that I would....

Mallory told my tkd group my problem.. and they all decided that it would be best if we did the craziest roller coaster first, The Hulk. So I get in line with them.. still telling myself I might do it... but planning on dropping out of line near the end.

But then Tae Kwon Do Joey erupted. I just kept thinking that this is a fear in my mind that I need to overcome. I kept viewing it as a challenge.. and a huge one at that. I also figured that this would be the best time to do it. What better time than when I'm with Mallory, and the people who have made me so much stronger than I used to be?

But I still had my doubts. As we neared the end of the line, my heart was racing. My breath was accelerating.... and then I began to say the tenets of Tae Kwon Do to myself over and over in my head. I've found that they've given me courage before.... so why not now?

I sat in the seat and strapped myself in...... still saying the tenets to myself. Now I was committed to it. There was no getting out. There was no turning back. I said the tenets a few more times, took a breath.. and the ride started....

Turns out, it wasnt so bad. There were about 4 loops.... and those were my favorite part (I had previously believed that I would really hate those.) I was so proud of myself...... SO proud of myself. I still am. I have always been completely terrified.... but tonight, I accomplished something great, I overcame a very serious fear of mine.

Well, tomorrow night is round two with Mallory. Sapporo for dinner and New Found Glory concert afterwards. Fun times. Night people =o)
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