(no subject)

Mar 28, 2007 01:42


Even the greater sufferings that may fall to our share from time to time become easy to bear if we accept them with serenity and patience. What really makes suffering difficult to bear is our own impatience, our revolt, our refusal to accept it. This irritation increases our sufferings a hundred-fold and, besides, robs us of all the merit we could have gained thereby.
    We see some people pass through a tempest of suffering with the greatest calm and serenity; whereas, others get irritated at the slightest annoyance or disappointment. We can all learn this calm and patience. It is the secret of happiness.
    An eminent physician, in a conference which he gave to distinguished scientists and fellow doctors, told them that he owed all his great success in life to the simple fact that he corrected his habit of impatience and annoyance, which had been destroying all his energy and activity.
    Everyone, we repeat, without exception, can learn this calm and serenity.
I'll be honest, I wanted to put this up here making fun of it, but honestly I kinda get it. It makes a lot of sense.
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