Jun 01, 2007 16:31
Well, looking back at those earlier entries made me cringe, i was such an angry lil fella. Meh blame it on teenage hormones and a fucked up father/son relationship.
I cant believe the bullshit i wrote, its amazing that i actually said that stuff...it sounds so cheesy, i still beleive in some of it but i dont speak of it that way, in a different sense maybe i dont know.
I'm not so sure about this whole live journal thing either, Pencil/pen paper seems so much easier than this, and the idea of online friends is kinda strange to me, i'm a social animal (well i wasnt back then, things changed i guess) very talkative in public and very loud.
Imma see about an update on this thing later, my english proffeser said its a good idea to use one of these accounts and i might as well make use of that advice.
i was thinking of deleting those past posts out of embarresment but, i'll leave em there just as a reminder if ever do go back into territory like that again i'll known when to get the "reality" slapped back into me.