Oct 24, 2004 23:23
Since the day I came to know God, I've struggled with my family. I had something so beautiful and I wanted to share it with the people I was closest to. When my parents pushed me away because of my new belief, I was devastated. And so I began to pray... I prayed for someone to tell my parents about God. That day was two years ago and on Friday, my prayers were finally answered. My dad's best friend from college (also Jon's uncle) came to visit us and stayed at our house for three days and two nights. What I perceived as impossible and unlikely suddenly became possible and "happening..." I don't know how much my parents heard, but I definitely know that God is hearing me. :)
I remember telling Jon's uncle about my family and he replied me with a simple smile and answer, "I'm pretty optimistic about your parents."
My faith isn't established on his words, but on the future God foresees... and I recall the verse that I wrote on my bathroom mirror just a few days ago... "What is impossible with men is possible with God." - Luke 18:27
God is amazing beyond words.
Thank You.