The eighth issue of MungBeing Magazine has been set free to roam the Web! Hide your children, lock your doors!
Seventy-some-odd pages of writing, sound, art, puzzles, and other thought-provoking work. This bi-month, MungBeing addresses the issue of freedom in all its varied and sordid glory.
Tales of freedom and daring-do include these wonderful titles:
* We Are Freedom by Rachel Haywire
* Skynet by Lyle Neff
* Peacekeeper Missiles by Virginia M. Mohlere
* Unbound Unlit by Cavendish
David Greenberger and Birdsongs of the Mesozoic join us to explain through music "how records are made."
Remodernist extraordinaire Matt Bray graces our cover, Simon Redekop (from Humanfive), Milos Vujasinovic, and Bruce New all join our ever-growing list of world renowned contributing artists. Surrealist painter Don Swartzentruber exhibits four totemic paintings and invites
writers to submit interpretations.
Misfit Library Founder Sarah Lynch-Walker, Virginia M. Mohlere, and award-winning Canadian writer Lyle Neff also make their debuts this issue.
A few audio selections from Freedom's Child, Heidi Morgan and Mystified supply a healthy
dose of aural delight.
All of that and a new quiz, some comics, some puzzles, some poems about birds, some great collaborative projects, new and exciting opportunities to participate, and a recipe for Freedom Fries.
MungBeing is an online bimonthly magazine published under a Creative Commons license in the heat of summer amongst the cactus and the frogs.
Thanks for reading! For free!
Mark, jody, and Starchy
MungBeing Magazine
Livejournalists this issue include, of course, yours truly and
starchy, as well as
spasmsproject and