May 18, 2006 16:02
I guess I finally realize now that being a good person and a good worker truely gets you nowhere.
I never wanted to be the type of person that truely hated their job and hated going to work everyday, but thats exactly where I am. I hate going to work everyday. I hate that no one appreciates what I do there. I hate that the guys won't listen to what I have to say. I hate that because I'm female I will never be given the oppertunities at my shop that the guys get. I hate that someone who doesn't know anything about my department and has only been in it for a month is in charge now, when I have worked in that department for months and know everything about the machines, yet I don't kiss enough ass like she does so I get shit on. I hate feeling like a nobody.
I hate feeling like I worked so hard in school for nothing.
I hate feeling like I threw my entire life away by quiting college.
I'm could have done so much better for myself......why the hell didn't I?