Then again, the food is always a major part of my travels. But in and around the eating, there was much stuff to do including ...
My first visit to the U.N.
Here’s where the General Assembly meets.
Then it was time to cross town.
I’d seen people in movies hit golf balls off third floor tees, and apparently they did that at Chelsea Piers.
(This is not me, by the way.)
The visit to Katz’s Deli in the Lower East Side meant a stop at the
Tenement Museum where for the first time, “tenement sweat shop” wasn’t just a term to me. It was amazingly sad how many things and people and work stations they could cram into a 325 square foot apartment.
As for the lunch conversation I alluded to in the previous post, it was with one of my editors. We discussed exciting stuff, the details of which I hope I can discuss soon, but only when possibility becomes ultra-high probability. For certain, though, up at Greenwillow, they were getting ready to ship out (to the printers) the paperback version of The Seventh Level, new cover and all. Exciting in its own right. Yes, I’ll share ...
Right after that, I took a cab downtown to hear my agent's verdict on the latest revision of The Deep Downstairs which ,heretofore (didn’t know I could speak legalese), I'll refer to as Hopeful Next Book until I find its proper title because DD’s not it. As always, other things will need to change, but my agent felt it was in good enough shape for the time being. Yay!
The last night there, I got to see the Tony-winning Book of Mormon. With tickets so hard to come by, I didn’t care I was in the last row. Then again, the last rows of Broadway theaters are like a mid-row of others.
Without much sleep, I came home to this ...
... which is, hands down, the most important structure my construction team team has built. I’ll tell you more about it tomorrow.