What to buy ?

Feb 10, 2010 21:03

Just had a regular school day except the fact that the Juniors & Seniors had their retreat and some teachers were absent.
I saw a note in front of the gate, I read it and it said: W8 MO AKO JODY *signed by my father*. This is the reason why I was able to go inside Sophia's house again after many years.. soo nice to be there. :)

Main Problem is:

owwww :/ what should I buy ?!

The "Gokusen Charms" - sad to say, 1st collectible item that is related to Japanese that I will buy (excluding the anime stuffs)


A "1,000 E-games Points* - I am also collecting the top-up cards.. and I want to have at least one Card worth 1,000.

Prices :

Gokusen Charms = [convert to Philippine currency, which I think is more than 1,000] S$35 + unknown shipping amount (buying and negotiating through the help of the internet, just internet)
1,000 E-games Points = P1,000 (obviously)


Gokusen Charms = collection
1,000 E-games Points = new set of items in DBA PH (dance battle audition philippines) and the card.

Just want to share ^_^v

 I bought the E-games Points because .. my mom wouldn't let me use her card to buy things from the net :/ DDD: T__T
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