Some nice news - and Keeping Busy in VO Land :)

Jul 21, 2009 20:47

It's been a while since I've written anything about my voice over stuff, so I thought I'd post an update. :)  I've been keeping busy with a bunch of projects.  Panera Bread in Georgia, North State Communications in North Carolina (I'm the voice of "Plex"), the narration for an Entrepreneur of the Year award for Ernst & Young, some PSAs for the Alaska Tobacco Control board, along with various other spots of the lesser known variety (but still paying decently well) from some regular clients.   I'm really pleased with how things are going, even though the last couple of weeks have been a bit slow, overall.  I've been doing auditions, working on promoting myself (I've joined the Newmarket Chamber of Commerce and have a meeting there on Thursday morning to learn more about it.  Nothing like getting known for what you do in your own back yard!) and in general, not taking any time to rest on any laurels because if I don't continue to try and drum up business CONSTANTLY, I end up with lengthy dry spells after the busy spells ... I think that's just how this business goes.  But I'm loving every minute of it.

Then just yesterday, I got some nice news ... One of the things I also do while I'm participating in teleclasses, reading about the business and craft of voice overs and marketing myself during the slow times, is take part in voice over contests - just for the fun of it.  This particular contest was put together by a woman named Marla Kirban over on a voice over social networking site I'm on called Voiceover Universe. There are actual prizes for first, second and third place.  And they judge folks on their interpretations of various scripts.  The first two were commercial reads.  The third one, was a TV Promo read (the sort of thing you'd hear in between television programs to advertise an upcoming program).   Yesterday, I was told that my entry received the second prize for the TV Promo category. :)  This is very exciting because there are a great many REALLY TALENTED voice over artists that entered this thing.  Plus, I was the only female chosen to be within the top three.   The cool thing about this is that the second place prize includes an hour consultation with Marla Kirban, who is well known as being a very knowlegeable person in the business. Talking with her will be HUGELY useful.

So all in all, things have been pretty good ... It could always be busier, but in general, I'm happy and enjoying my work.  There's a lot to be said for that. ;)

I hope those of you reading this are doing well too (and enjoying your summer!)!

good news, voice work, voice overs, marketing voice overs

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