Oct 13, 2012 01:01
I am sick. I have been all week, and it is very unfortunate, because I am missing out on fun. I could have gone dancing tonight but I was too busy blowing my nose and hacking up my lungs to even step outside. I think my cold has developed into bronchitis, and it is gross and making me grouchy. I barely slept last night, and I had early(ish) class, and I ran out of Kleenex and my chest was all tight, and it got me so worked up that I had to go to the hippie cafe and drink some calming herbal remedy before I could even go home, ugghhh, I hate it. My sinuses are starting to hurt as well.
Anyway, I'm gonna have to cut this entry short because I just went downstairs to find my dining room has been turned into a nightclub. Actually. My house is damn weird.
I'll finish this later, there's no chance of sleep now so it looks like I'm hipster clubbing in my own house.