I saw a shimmering light- links to all chapters

Jul 11, 2010 13:02

Title: I saw a shimmering light ( complete)
Rating: PG-13 Gen fic
Fandom/Characters: Torchwood/ Jack Harkness, Ianto Jones, Toshiko Sato, Owen Harper, Gwen Cooper
Outline: Travelling back from a conference, Jack and Toshiko find themselves trapped behind a force field, along with Ianto and Owen when they arrive to try and find out what has happened to them.
Notes: Inspired by the Hotel California rpg   plentyofroom  (it triggered the plot bunnies off and this is the result, so it's all their fault).
Set during series 2 but just before Reset. In the rpg, Owen is kidnapped by the Hotel during the Reset episode when he goes into the garage as the team are going to rescue Martha and before he is shot. Jack has already been a captive at the Hotel for some time before this, so the suggestion that Owen may have been the actual target, fits with the fact that the two room numbers they are given keys to belong to Jack and the other is the room Owen will occupy. They use Jack's room and this is why Owen can pick up Jack's mobile phone in the Hotel room (it belongs to the kidnapped version of Jack). When someone is kidnapped by the Hotel no one in the reality they have been taken from is aware that they are missing.

Disclaimer: I have no ownership of these or any other characters connected with Torchwood or any other copyrighted work mentioned or alluded to.

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten

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