Nov 03, 2008 19:31
ah! yes
i almost forgot i had one of these things XP
hmmmmm so i wonder what i last talked about...too lazy to look
but! currently i just finished cleaning
thats right! you heard correctly, CLEAN!!!!
because thats how bored i was plus im so broke that i was coin huntings in my room so ill have money for the rest of the week XD
...i'm totally serious about it too, i need a fucking job so bad
ashton fucking pay me back already!!!
i can't afford to show up at your door with henchmen, bah!
wooooooooooooooo found my weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedddddddddddddddddddddd
sorry lost it a month ago, will make use of it after im done posting an such
ummmm i have a phone again!
same number
call me so i have yours
we'll catch up, perhaps encounter adventure!!!!
my calls to me...i, have to go now