Oct 08, 2009 00:55
Still alive, and just popped in for a quick update.
In Glasgow now, well just a few miles outside. Getting keys for my new flat next week. Just have the hassle of moving everything up from London, and getting furniture organised for the flat.
The "scene" up here is ok - even my home town has lots of kids wandering around in black. I'm seeing Cyberdog and Aderlass clothing. Sort of thing that would have seen the stuffing kicked out of you 10 years ago! Nice to see it's changing.
Glasgow has a couple of rock venues and bars, and there's gigs going on. Seeing VNV Nation + Ayria on 20th October.
Currently in a play up here - Sunset Song. Playing 2 main characters, which is quite challenging, particularly when I have 4 fast (1/2 minute) costume changes during Act 1. First three nights have gone amazingly well. Even had an adjudicator from the SCDA (Scottish Community Drama Association) there last night. He'd travelled 120 miles to see it, and he was not disappointed. Hopefully, we'll pick up an award. Personally, I was given a glowing report, and ranked 2nd in his scoring. 3 more performances to go.
New evening acting courses starting soon - one at the RSAMD, one at Strathclyde Uni. Can't wait!
Anyway, off to bed. Got a lot to do tomorrow - including the neverending job hunt!