Oct 11, 2004 18:36
so lets do a lil recap..
friday- no school so that rocked, then my brother his friends thomas and brandon and i just kinda chilled and then we pulled off one of the greatest DONT'S eva! okay you know how in movies and the old ppl are talking and reminicing about stupid things that they pulled off without their parents ever finding out... ya this was mine hahahaha! okay so it started off we were just goofin around with a squirt gun, then i attacked brandon with a mop (see i was supposed to be cleaning the kitchen) then thomas took the hose from my sink and sprayed my brother with it, then i jumped on top of thomas' back and brandon poured a cup of water down my back. so my brother and i teamed up against thomas and brandon and we had a full blown water fight in my kitchen! it was soooo awsome! hahaha there was litterally 3 inches of standing water on our kitchen floor! hahaha it was the best time eva!finally we realise that we had 15 minutes to put the house back together, get clean clothes on, mop the water up, wipe off all the cupboards and stuff. holy cow i couldnt believe that we got it done in time, we even sat down an flipped on a movie that was on HBO right when my mom pulled up.. im neva gonna forget that one! hahaha so then i went and took a shower and got some warm clothes and headed off to the spaghetti bowl with ashley, fun as always, never fails to perk one up seein em inglemoor kids :) specially that one ;) hahaha ashley knows who!<3
saturday- softball tourny got cancelled and re-scheduled for next weekend (BOO!) so then i had work at 5-8 had fun as always there, got into a box fight with john hahaha :) then i went to calies and had a awsome time with my girlies... can you say massive hot tubbin!?!? dude there was like 16 of us in calies hot tub and we played a game called Black Magic that was cool to have to figure out, it was tite...then we watched notting hill and sweet home alabama, went to sleep at ohh id say 4AM!! hahahaha it was a great time great time...
sunday- ashley came and picked me up and we went to the sharks soccer game, that was fun, NEIL GOT A HAT TRICK that blew my flippers into the water! saw kyt oh dude that made my day, i miss that kid waaaaaaaaay too much ive officially decided that we are going to hang out more often like once a week, lol life is boring w/o her!! we got lost going to the game, so id like to say two things, 1. we took the senic route and 2. sorry ashley!! hahahaha
monday- worst day eva i woke up feelin like SHIAT and my mom gave me hella chores and it was supposed to be a mal and calla day :( boo on her....so i had soccer practice and i had assumed that my mom had asked my g-ma if she was gonna drive me so at ohh about 2:15 i went to my g-mas house and she was gone, so i pankiced...ended up having pam take me to practice and i was 1/2 hour late... went to a spaghetti feed where i did not fit in at all. the ride home was tite had lots of laughs with lauren and amy. came home to a pissed off mom because i didnt vaccuum... umm yea excuse me sorry for cleaning your whole freaking house, yet i forgot to vaccuum...i freaking cleaned the bathrooms, dusted and polished the furniture, swept, mopped, i had vaccuumed friday, and cleaned my room.. uhh and now my dad just got on my ass for a little bit of fucking mildew that didnt come off when i scrubbed it!! ahhhhhhh freaking a my family is pissing me off, the thing that gets to me the most is that my brother has done NOTHING except for sit on his fat ass, oh wait and rake the 50 leaves that were in our back yard!!!
I DONT UNDERSTAND THIS!!!!!! IM ON 3 SPORTS TEAMS, I HAVE A JOB, ALMOST 2 HOURS OF HOMEWORK A NIGHT, AND AM ON ASB AND I HAVE TO TAKE CARE OF MY WHOLE FUCKING FAMILY JUST BECAUSE MY MOM WENT AND GOT A JOB!!! all my brother does is play football for CPJH he never has homework because he has a learning problem so hes in the retard classes who do hsi homework for him, he sits home and watches tv and plays video games and is one of the laziest people i know!! WHY THE HELL DO I HAVE ALL THE RESPONSIBILITY?!?!?! HE IS A BIG BOY! I WAS DONING A HELL OF A LOT MORE SHIT THEN HIM WHEN I WAS 14!!! ITS LIKE BECAUSE HE CANT READ WELL HES EXEMPT FROM PICKING UP A FUCKING TOLIET BRUSH AND CLEANING THE BATHROOMS!!! i hate siblings, and i hate being oldest, i hate my mom for being a bitch to me everytime she has a bad day or is PMSing, this is why i almost moved out last year, my dad just sits back and watches my mom take all of her fucking anger out on me... im tired of this shit, seriously IM SORRY FOR BEING THE ONLY FUCKING GIRL IN THIS HOUSE!! MAYBE SHE SHOULDNT HAVE HAD ME IF SHE WAS GONNA FUCKING TREAT ME LIKE THIS EVERYTIME THERE WASNT SUNSHINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!UHHHH!!!
FUCKING A! i speak to her in one word answers just to keep from losing my temper and she says that im pitching a attitude and that if i say ONE MORE WORD then im grounded! ahhh someone please keep me from shooting the fucking bitch...
im off to clean my room a bit more, that seems to be my only get away FROM MY MOM, that and do that math homework that i was unable to do this past week...things are getting to be a little bit too much
:: Mally ::