ohh yea :)

Jan 16, 2005 10:48

:) i cant tell you how happy i am right now, like words just can't describe everything that i am feeling. all those months of just waiting, telling myself "things are going to work out somehow you just gotta wait..." the waiting's paid off, and you know what the best part is...nothing extreamly big has happened to me in other peoples eyes, but in mine i think this is the BIGGEST thing that i have ever done, and thats the beauty of it. i am finally content with who i am, i dont care anymore what people think, im not trying to be EVERYONES friend, if people dont like me well then you know what, screw you, i think i am a pretty damn cool person myself and i have a shit load of friends who think the same thing about me :) i finally feel like i dont NEED a boyfriend to make me happy, i think this is the biggest thing, i was so sad for so long because i didnt have the comfort of a boy, granted boyfriends yes they are fun to have, but ive learned that no matter how great of a boy you got, you have to be happy with yourself and your friends and family, because if your not happy with those three things having a boyfriend means shit. i dont think i have ever been so PROUD of myself with what i have achieved, i feel like finally things are falling into place where i want them to, where i waited to have them to. im not going to fool myself either, there will be drama, there will be shit that happens, there will be fights and there will be boyfriends and breakups, but now that i have reached this point i know that no matter what happens, im going to be okay because i've figured out how to handle the shit that comes my way! :)

.:: Mally ::.

ps thanks to all my friends who have put up with all of MY shit for so long!
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