Dec 18, 2004 14:15
so yesterday was amazing. no other word to describe it!
school was hella tight had so much fun, it was great!
after school is where the party began!
- went to work, soooo stressful, phones such seriously i was on the verge of crying at one point, but then it slowed down and i got ahold of everything...
-came home took a nice lil bath
-went to the end of the juanita game, whoot whoot we won all 4 way to set the tempo for kingco bitches! hahahaha
-ashley came and picked me up and then we went to aydens house where we just kicked it with everyone until bingy (aka chandler) and steve got off work
-12 came around and then we went over to bingy's house and hung out, lets see who all was there, umm bingy, steve, smalls, tiffany, ashley, jen, gemma, smalls, bret, mike and jd, i think thats all hahahaha ne ways we had a AWSOME time just hanging out no drama or anything, i loved it :)then we spent the night at bingy's and just had a gay ole' time hahahhaha
eh im peacin out ttyl lyl latas
famous quote of the day "ashley why dont you go through bingy's trash and get his sasuage wrappers!" hahahaha
:: Mally ::