Who, what?

May 22, 2006 17:22

Tagged by slhc_lead

Explain your Live Journal name and its meaning. When you're done, tag as many people as there are letters in your name.

My online nick(name) has been Nino for the longest time. Most people will know that that means something like child or boy, but I pickedit up because it's also used in reference to the Christmas child. This makes more sense when you know my birthday. Anyway, the name is not a very unique word so when trying to register somewhere with it I usually fail miserably and I'm not about to start trying nino0001, nino0002... that way lies madness! So instead I've started using jochie, a Dutch word which my online dictionary translates as brat or urchin but which I'd translate as kid or young boy. I'm sure you can see the relation to my original preferred nick. :)

In turn I tag:
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