I will always be the one you have envied. . . you should get over it. . .

Sep 17, 2005 17:57

Dear Envious bitch,
I hate people who envy others. Now really? Why do you have to be on my every move and talk about me like I have been in your sight 24/7. Some people in this world need a life. Well I wont say who was trying to chant up some jealousy talk, but let me tell you something. You cannot beat me and you never will. Sorry, I am not on my ass all day talking stuff about other people to make myself feel better. I get myself involved with what I can to make changes I want to see. Now if you are jealous of my success then why don't you try to do better then me and make a significant difference. Seriously, I am challenging you. This crap with me not being good enough for my boyfriend,is pure jealousy. Just listen to yourself for once. You are just mad that every single guy you have dated has said I am really pretty. Isn't that so? One thing for sure is that I get respect. All guys talk about you like if you are a door knob they can turn anytime they'd like. I hate to be frank, but maybe you should consider that. If I hear my name in your mouth again, expect to be hated by all.

You know you envy me,

P.S. Get over it.
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