Dec 01, 2006 05:54
I switched around my axel takeoff, and I landed 4 clean axels today! Instead of doing the reverse S pattern, I did a simple two-foot glide, straight down the blue line, slowly, and then stepped forward. I landed two back-to-back perfectly, then the next I dropped my shoulders forward and had to step out, and the next one I landed fine, and then had to put my foot down to steady myself after landing. The strangest part was they felt so easy.
I decided to do it this way because last night I was watching a video I took of Katrina Hacker a few years ago, and she has a gorgeous double axel. She takes from Tracey Doyle at Rye FSC, and I've noticed all her students have great, proper axel technique - straight down the line and they all have very good kick through, something I struggle with. That combined with the tip from skatingforums to "think of the landing" and I was well armed.
The ice was gorgeous today. My spins were awesome and jumps, well, you just read it. I've been working on a new exercise for the power pull-rockers from Junior MIF. Since they were my downfall on the test, I'm determined to make them awesome. Down the long axis, do BO rocker, then FO/FI/FO (basically two power pulls), then FO rocker, and repeat. The key here is to finish the rocker on the right edge, otherwise you'll lose all speed. It really seems to help.
Unfortunately, my video camera hates me and still isn't working properly. I got it to work for a few minutes last night, but it said :P today. I'd really like to see what I look like on the ice, because I've lost 20 lbs since I was last able to tape myself. Also, I really want to see what my double loops look like. My coach says they definitely look like doubles, not overrotated singles, but I want proof. :) I think I'll take my point-and-shoot camera in tomorrow, it's capable of video but it's lesser quality.