These words are my own from my heart flow: I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you.

Aug 25, 2005 11:17

I haven't posted in over a week. I'm terrible. I've just been busy enough to avoid typing long entries and when I have had time I just didn't know what to really type. Lately I've been hanging out with Justine, her crew and Chris a lot. Like every night we always end up at his house watching Family Guy or playing cards or Strip Nazi! It's been good and I've been getting home at like 3am. It's a good thing I never have to work (that was sarcasm)!
Actually I have quite the funny story about work. Yesterday I went into American Eagle for my 12 to 5 shift that I had and my boss stops and asks me if I'm working. I thought I'd made a mistake and was feeling pretty stupid, but it turns out the assholes changed the schedule and took any shifts of mine away without letting me know. I don't even work at all next week. I was quite bitter about this considering I gave the dinks full availability and wanted this as a full time job in the summer. So, I vented to Justine after listening to crazy music in my car really loud. I kind of scared her I think when I just randomly pounded on her door after I said I was supposed to be at work. She and Tanner were supposed to come shopping from me too! Anyways, I went home to call my mom and my dad to let them know I had the car and that I was ticked. They told me to apply at the library and to call La Collinas to see if I could get a hold of the manager to book an interview.
I had been trying to call the manager for almost a week and I thought they were avoiding me and screening calls until I actually got a real voice on the other end of the line. Instead of booking an interview my boss just schedules me for training the next day.. which is today. I have a good feeling about this job already since I didn't even have to have an interview. I really didn't ask the important questions though. I mean I don't even know what I'm getting trained for and I didn't know what I had to wear or how much I was making until I called back like five minutes later. I'm quite excited and pleased with myself especially since I now have a solid 8 hour shift every Saturday for school and the rest of summer. Take that American Eagle!! They poop on me and I get another job in an hour of being angry at them. How's that for power?
So, that has been quite the highlight for me. I also bought a new spanking bike which is just delightful to ride. I'm just happy I'll be making money during the school year, not just losing it. I'm just happy! Happy to be sitting at home listening to music waiting for 12 to roll around to tell me to get ready for work. I'm happy that I get to cycle there too and use my super duper bike lock and that I get home around dinner time and that I have nothing to do tonight for the first time in over a week. I'm happy I get to finish the amazing book I'm reading that you should all read too if you want to have many epiphanies (Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse) and that I get to chill with my parents and enjoy a home cooked meal. Life is sweet.
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