I went to bed early last night, at least earlier than intended, and woke up about 30 minutes before the alarm went off. So, being the 'net geek that I am, I padded into the living room, woke the computer up and started checking email. I had gotten an IM from Christian in the night, and he had already disconnected. I thought, ha ha, how nice and yet how typical, more IM tag, I'll write him a little note to tag him back.
At that moment, he comes back online. :) So, my nice surprise of the morning was actually getting to chat with C, instead of the eternal game of IM-tag.
In any case, I'm happy today. Between that and all the new friendships I've been building here, I'm feeling... well... look up. >^.^<
Now, getting down to business and doing all my schoolwork is another thing. I'm perfectly certain that I've overloaded myself (again) this semestser, but it's for a good cause...namely that I don't have to in the spring, when I'm theoretically taking my master's exam. Luckily almost all of my readings for this semester (in the TWO grad level lit courses) are on the master's reading list (thank you Dr. Koch and Dr. Crawford!).
Getting all of this done, however, is an exercise in discipline... and I'm pretty out of shape.
I'm trying a new approach now -- staying at school until it's done. Once I get home, I want to be able to rest and relax. That, and work on the
Gigcast website. With the podcasts and everything, I'm getting pretty involved with
NG, and besides that, I want to have a life outside of Wescoe Hall.
Which means I'll need to leave my work there. We'll see how that develops.